+234 809 320 9533
Lagos, Nigeria

Out Of Home

Out Of Home

Research indicates most working class Nigerians spend over 70% of their time away from home. This makes Out of home (OOH) an important piece of the marketing mix of most companies. Did you know about 40% searched on google while about 30% of Nigerians have reported visiting an advertised business because they saw an outdoor advert.

To crown it all up, in cities like Lagos over 95 are exposed to local vehicle passengers each week. Numbers don’t lie, they are asking you to create an out of home marketing strategy today.

Our Out of Home Advertising services

If you are looking for billboards, BRT bus adverts, event advertising, roadside advertising boards, taxi ads or any other type of outdoor marketing activity, our top teams of marketing consultants can get your company seen by your target market through effective outdoor advertising options.
At Romistine we offer a full range of options in Nigeria to suit various budgets and locations.
Our digital Outdoor advertising options enables you reach for part of the day, a week or month.

Keke & Bus Advertising
Lamp post Adverts
Billboard Advertising
Digital Screen Advertising
Field Marketing Teams
Mobile billboard Advertising


  • First Floor Plot 4 Oyetubo Street, Off Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Lagos
  • +234 814 720 8936

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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